Busy Fingers
Adapted by Mary Bowman-Kruhm; based on the book Busy Fingers by C.W. Bowie (Charlesbridge); illustrated by Fred Willingham
A Readers Theatre written for a Narrator and 7 students. Readers’ parts are unnumbered so that fewer than 7 students can be assigned multiple roles.
Narrator: I know we can all do lots of things with our fingers. Show me you can raise your fingers…
(All raise fingers high.)
Reader #____: HIGH!
Narrator: Show me you can use your fingers to touch your…
Reader #____: toes.
(All touch toes.)
Narrator: Now use your fingers to say…
Reader #____: I love you.
(All sign “I love you.”)
Narrator: And use your fingers to wave goodbye, too.
All (waving): Goodbye, goodbye.
Narrator: Now count your fingers.
Reader #____: 1-2-3-4-5.
Narrator: And add the fingers on the other side.
Reader #____: 6-7-8-9-10
Narrator: Busy fingers all the day, as we…
Reader #____: Work.
Narrator: And as we…
Reader #____: Play.
Narrator: And then before someone tucks us in bed and turns out the light, our fingers blow a kiss…
(All blow kiss.)
All: Goodnight!