Busy Toes
Adapted by Mary Bowman-Kruhm; based on the book Busy Toes by C.W. Bowie (Charlesbridge); illustrated by Fred Willingham
A Readers Theatre written for a Narrator and 11 students. Readers’ parts are unnumbered so that fewer than 11 students can be assigned multiple roles.
Narrator: We have toes that are…
Reader #____: BIG!
Narrator: We have toes that are…
Reader #____: Little.
Narrator: What can you do with your toes? Raise your hand if you can
Reader #____: Wave your toes.
Reader #____: Tickle with toes.
Reader #____: Rub a doggie’s tummy with toes.
Narrator: Some people use their toes to…
Reader #____: Draw.
Narrator: Some people use their toes to…
Reader #____: Dig.
Narrator: It’s best to test the water with your toes before you take a bath. Then you can use your toes if you want to…
Reader #____: Splash!
Narrator: How many toes on your right foot?
Reader #____: 1-2-3-4-5.
Narrator: Five toes on one foot. Then add the toes on your left and you’ll get 10.
Reader #____: 6-7-8-9-10.
Narrator: We can use toes to push. And we can dance on tippy toes. And at the end of the day, we all have…
Reader #____: Tired toes.
All: Goodnight, toes!